Monday, October 10, 2011


I graduated college in 2008 with little to no grants or scholarships throughout my entire college career.  Do I regret it? I'm not one who regrets much, but should I have been more determined to seek out and apply to grants and scholarships? Yes, indeed! There are relatives I know who are struggling to build that educational foundation needed to succeed in this financial turmoiled world.  There are those who know what degree they want and others who just know that they want a degree.  However, so many are discouraged because of the cost of tuition.  Good thing is that there is a book with hundreds of grant and scholarship resources.  Click on grants and scholarships and check it out.  Take it from a college graduated that this is truly worth it.  You will be better off in the long run if you take advantage of all the resources that are out there.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree that college students should take advantage of the financial resources available to them. I have actually been eligible for a few scholarships but never applied for them. I've been "too busy". Every year I say I'm going to apply and every I don't.
